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Carette Terrace







Added terrace to our confectionery shop and cafe in Tokoname City, Aichi Prefecture, which was completely renovated in 2014.

This store faces the YADAGAWA River and the promenade along its causeway, and the beautiful scenery has been maintained by the local community, including the owner.

The purpose of this project is to connect the cafe space with the view of the YADAGAWA River through terrace, making the store more open to the community.

It is positioned as part of a store rebranding project that includes updating the homepage and opening an online shop.

In addition, a new waiting area has been created in the store, and the walls are decorated with tiles made from TOKONAME YAKI that resemble the texture of bouchée, a traditional Carette menu.

With our desire to reach as many people as possible while being rooted in the local community, we have renovated our store to place even greater emphasis on local connections.

U  :菓子店・カフェ
S  :愛知県常滑市
D  :2024.5
A  :studioSHUWARI 種昻 哲 
PD:伊坪庭苑 伊坪 徳照 
AD:Clap 前川 元成

C  :羽田建設 青木 浩一
P   :今井 正由己

​凡例 U:USE/用途 S:SITE/場所 D:DATE/完成日 SC:SCALE/規模 A:Architect/意匠設計 SD:Structure Design/構造デザイン 

PP:Planting Plan/植栽計画 LP:Lighting Plan/照明計画 LD:Landscape Design/ランドスケープデザイン AD:Art Director/アートディレクター 

C:Constructor/施工会社 P:Photo/写真 CO:Collaboration/協力

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